CirculART II: Art interwoven with the supply chain

CirculART II: Art interwoven with the supply chain

The Lanificio F.lli Cerruti once again participates in the exhibition-event at Cittadellarte


Also this year, at the Fondazione Pistoletto Cittadellarte di Biella, “Arte al Centro” has taken place. The review, in its 23rd edition, is dedicated to exhibitions and encounters which talk about artistic practices to transform social contest, realised by Cittadellarte and the network of international players who have come together over the years. Amongst the various projects of “Arte al centro”, which takes place over an entire year, Lanificio F.lli Cerruti is participating in the second edition of the artistic project called CirculART, or to give it its full name CirculART II – Art Interwoven with the Supply Chain, which started on 30th October in the industrial archaeological sites restored by Cittadellarte.


The new edition of CirculART II

The second edition of CirculART presents itself as a “project for social renewal, the result of a pathway to integration and inclusion in the worlds of art and of industry”, which is manifested in the exhibition opened on 30th October. Sustainability and the practice of artistic and economic activities which are greener and more sustainable, also with regard to fashion, in communion with nature, are the focus of the project, and they have become even more relevant in this period of recovery.

Through their works, companies and artists talk about how innovation can be aware in a sector such as fashion, which needs more than ever to enter into a symbiosis with the natural and human resources to be found on our planet. CirculART II is the point of departure for a new way aimed at rediscovering an equilibrium between business, society and nature, as a call for action. 


Fashion of sustainable quality

Lanificio F.lli Cerruti supplied its fabrics for the project, with the aim of taking up contact with a different vision of fashion, at an artistic, conceptual level, but most of all at a sustainable and inclusive level, closer to the planet and the people who want to develop new behaviours in terms of clothing and the way it is produced – a vision which is more aware, more attentive and circular.

There are four artists involved in CirculART II – Silvia Giovanardi, Ryts Monet, Giulia Pellegrini and Marcello Pipitone, who were invited to collaborate with different textile companies including Lanificio F.lli Cerruti. In four original works of art, the unprecedented and visionary “interpretation of the industrial reality will serve to delineate and reveal new design paradigms based on a circular economy and ethics”. The art on show does not have the purpose of inspiring only the textile industry, but rather all production sectors, “to realign their activities with the ultimate promise of working together: responding to the real needs of humanity.”

A truly unique, artistic dialogue is created between people and the fashion industry, especially that part of it which has chosen to question the social and environmental issues which involve it. The result – and the mid- and long-term objectives – are to create a supply chain with a sustainable, traceable and certificated production cycle based on recycled fibres, and environmentally-friendly and high-quality textiles which create a balance between nature and society into which art can be introduced. The artists / fashion designers “have become the unexpected lens through which the public can observe textile production processes, generating new behaviours towards the products bought by the public.”